Huawei’s Ryan Ding: GUIDE to a Better Digital Economy
At the Huawei Day 0 Forum held the day before Mobile World Congress 2022, Ryan Ding, Huawei’s Executive Director and President of the Carrier Business Group, said that operators can work on connection density, computing diversity, and carbon reduction intensity, and called on operators to join Huawei in its GUIDE business blueprint to create a better digital economy together.
The global digital economy is developing rapidly, and over 50% of global GDP will be digitalized in 2022. Many countries and regions, like China, South Korea, and the EU, have already announced huge investment plans for the digital economy. As ICT infrastructure providers, operators will play an increasingly important role in leading the development of the future digital economy.
During his keynote, Ding explained that the vitality of digital economy can be evaluated by three factors: connection density, computing diversity, and carbon reduction intensity, and that these factors give operators the levers they need to shape the future of the digital economy. By increasing connection density, operators can grow their 5G user base and expand their business scope. By diversifying their computing resources, operators can create synergies between connectivity and IT to boost enterprise digitalization for new growth. In carbon reduction, new green ICT solutions, like those Huawei provides, will increase network capacity and cut the energy consumption per bit for greener development.
5G has come a long way
Commercial 5G deployment started two years ago, and since then, the numbers of 5G networks, users, and devices have grown rapidly. By the end of 2021, more than 200 operators have deployed commercial 5G networks, servicing more than 700 million 5G users. There are currently over 1,200 commercial 5G devices in use. This growing user base is bringing commercial returns to operators while driving continuous network rollouts.
During the event, Ding shared 5G success stories from various operators and showed how new 5G applications like AR, VR, and new video are offering users new experiences. Flexible 5G pricing models are also benefiting both users and operators and driving rapid growth in the 5G user base.
Connectivity + IT for new growth
According to Ding, as more industries are going digital, IT infrastructure will need to be rebuilt to drive more efficient operations. By creating synergies between IT and CT, cloud and edge, and cloud and networks, Huawei hopes to help operators go digital and intelligent and achieve new revenue growth. In Asia Pacific, for example, Huawei’s OneStorage solution has helped one operator cut TCO by 30%.
Green ICT: More Bits, Less Watts
Green ICT is key to sustainable growth in the digital economy. The ICT industry is providing new technologies to help other industries reduce their carbon footprints. In fact, these savings are predicted to amount to ten times larger than the ICT industry’s own footprint. At the forum, Ding also shared Huawei’s green strategy: More Bits, Less Watts. With its full range of green solutions, including green site, green network, and green operation, Huawei aims to help operators increase network capacity and cut the energy consumption per bit. Huawei also proposed the Network Carbon Intensity index to quantify the carbon emissions of the ICT industry and help operators make their green strategy a reality.
At the end of his speech, Ding proposed Huawei’s GUIDE business blueprint, which aims to help operators develop the five key capabilities required for business success: expanding services, innovating efficiently, leveraging resources, competing on value, and contributing to society.
Huawei’s President of Carrier Marketing & Solution Sales, Peng Song, discussed this path for network evolution in his keynote speech and called on operators to collaborate more with industry partners along the GUIDE business blueprint, saying, “We should more actively embrace the digital world. GUIDE is now. Let’s act now to draw a business blueprint with partners in more industries to lead future development, as once the train of digitalization starts to roll forward, nothing can stop it.”
Separately at the Huawei Day 0 Forum, Huawei released a series of new IT products and solutions as part of a new “intelligent IT foundation” for operators. David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board at Huawei, explained that this reliable and efficient IT foundation will help operators go intelligent, increase revenue, reduce costs, boost efficiency, and ultimately achieve new growth.
Breaking down misconceptions to accelerate green development, Huawei Carrier’s Chief Marketing Officer Dr. Philip Song noted, “Green development is a buzzword. Just like from Newton’s classical mechanics to Einstein’s theory of relativity, its development is going to be marked by a spiraling path between misconceptions and truths. We need to move past these five misconceptions as soon as possible to accelerate the green development of the ICT industry.”
MWC22 Barcelona runs from February 28 to March 3 in Barcelona, Spain. Huawei is showcasing its products and solutions at stand 1H50 in Fira Gran Via Hall 1. Together with global operators, industry professionals, and opinion leaders, we dive into topics such as industry trends, GUIDE to the Future, and green development to envision the future of digital networks.
About Huawei
Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. We have more than 197,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world.
Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To this end, we will drive ubiquitous connectivity and promote equal access to networks; bring cloud and artificial intelligence to all four corners of the earth to provide superior computing power where you need it, when you need it; build digital platforms to help all industries and organizations become more agile, efficient, and dynamic; redefine user experience with AI, making it more personalized for people in all aspects of their life, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go.