Mrs. Sonbol has been working in the communication and marketing fields for over 20 years.
Her experience in the communications field includes government relations and public affairs, a strategic communications consultancy, campaign planning and execution for local and international clients. Hanan’s previous communication work experience includes managing local and multinational accounts such as GAFI (General Authority For Investment), VISA, RIM, Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association, the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (AUC), and acting as the communications consultant for their PR campaigns.
Her marketing experience includes the conceptualization and execution of marketing plans in accordance with various target audiences and ensuring its timely implementation, along with managing the relationship with the advertising and social media agencies for local and international clients such as Egyptian Arab Media and Nokia Mobile Phones.
Hanan holds a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo and the IAA Diploma (International Advertising Association Diploma in Marketing & Communications) from AUC.
Her work experience with GAFI included acting as the Senior Account Director for GAFI’s international communication campaign since 2007 and later on in 2016 as the Financial Consultant and Controller for GAFI’s local and international communication campaigns.
Responsibilities included:
- Providing strategic communication counseling as well as evaluating, negotiating, and recommending the most effective communication tools to be used by the multinational PR agency for achieving the campaign’s objectives.
- Designing the Request For Proposal (RFP), evaluating and qualifying agencies, along with the GAFI team. This included issuing the RFP, following up on its dissemination to the relevant agencies, evaluating the received proposals technically and financially, agency selection and negotiations of contract terms, and budget negotiations.
- Campaign support. This included evaluating, reviewing, and monitoring the campaign’s activities and materials and ensuring that they are delivering the campaign’s objectives.
- Budget control. This included review and approval of activities’ budgets, review and approval of agency monthly invoices, and budget tracking.
Financial consultancy responsibilities included:
- Initial budget negotiations and approval of fees vs activities allocation.
- Review of contract terms and ensuring that they are in accordance with GAFI.
- Review of activities budget proposals and approving proposed fees and costs.
- Monthly review of the agency invoices and approving payments as per the approved budget and necessary supporting documents.